Research Assistants wanted for applied research

If I lived in either the US or UK, I’d so apply, especially since I have a thing for applied anthro, but anyway, here’s a heads-up to you Yanks and limeys out there:

Cultural Logic, headed by an anthropologist and a linguist, is a research and consulting firm that works for nonprofit organizations, applying cognitive and social science expertise to improve communications between experts/advocates and the public. Past topics have included global warming, early childhood development, access to health insurance, overfishing, racism, global cooperation, and domestic toxins. (For more information about Cultural Logic, see .

We are currently seeking interviewers in the US and the UK immediately to conduct and transcribe brief (5 minute) phone conversations with members of the general public.

Grad students in anthropology, linguistics or cog sci are especially encouraged to apply.  The current project requires native speakers of American and British English.  Interviewing experience is a plus, but not required. 

Ideally, the research assistant would have a flexible schedule, but could commit to taping 3-6 phone interviews in an afternoon or evening and e-mailing the transcriptions the following day.

The research is underway and assistants are needed immediately.

Compensation is negotiable.

Please email Andrew Brown at <> or call to the US: 1(401)383-6500 for more information.
Andrew J. Brown, Ph.D.

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